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Fremantle Pilots place paramount importance on safety, embedding a proactive approach that continually evolves to address the challenges of routine and non-routine operations. Our workplace culture is a reflection of our core values — accountability, collaboration, and commitment. Every member of our team actively contributes to and upholds our primary objective: to strive for an incident-free workplace, ensuring the well-being of people, the environment, and infrastructure.

Our commitment to safety goes beyond words; it is ingrained in our daily operations and decision-making processes. Fremantle Pilots has developed a robust risk management system that undergoes continual development and review. This system ensures that our pilots and personnel are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with the dynamic maritime environment.

Workplace Culture

Safety is not just a set of procedures; it’s an integral part of our workplace culture. We foster a culture where each team member is accountable for their actions, collaborates seamlessly with others, and is committed to the highest safety standards. This commitment extends beyond individual roles, creating a unified approach to safety that is evident in every aspect of our operations.

Emergency Response Plans

Our Emergency Response Plans are a cornerstone of our commitment to safety. Developed in collaboration with the Fremantle Port Authority, these plans are dynamic and responsive to the evolving nature of maritime operations. Regular drills, training sessions, and simulations ensure that our pilots are not only familiar with the procedures but are well-prepared for routine, non-routine, and emergency scenarios that may arise during pilotage operations.

Continuous Improvement

Safety is a journey of continuous improvement at Fremantle Pilots. We actively seek feedback, conduct thorough incident investigations, and apply lessons learned to refine our safety protocols. This commitment to learning and adapting ensures that we stay at the forefront of best practices in maritime safety, striving for excellence in every aspect of our operations.